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Step 1: Enroll Now 

If you have questions on which plan to enroll in please contact Brian Jakubiak at 612-887-3861.

enroll in the 401(k) plan

Plan Number: PHS943

Verification Number: PHS94399

Enroll in the 457 plan 

Plan Number: VFG187

Verification Number: 167148

Once the enrollment process is complete you will have the chance to review and confirm your entries before submitting your enrollment information. An email confirmation will be sent to the email address you provide during the enrollment process. In addition, a separate confirmation of your enrollment will be mailed to the address you provide. This confirmation will include a default PIN number you will need for accessing your account online.  


Step 2: Complete the Contribution Form 

This form is used to modify contributions into your existing account. It needs to be obtained from your employer or by reaching out to a Voya Representative on our team, filled out and sent back to us via email, mail or fax. If you have any questions please reach out to our team for help. 

Return Completed Form To:
  • Email: brian.jakubiak@voyafa.com
  • Fax: 612-445-7667
  • Mail: 10800 Lyndale Ave S. STE 200 Bloomington, MN 55420 


Plan Information


To view updated performance sheet for the investments in your plan contact a representative.


 To consolidate accounts from a previous employer please reach out to one of our representatives at 612-887-3861 and we will help you through the consolidation process. 


Congratulations! Please reach out to our team and we can help you to determine any next steps to take regarding your account and answer questions on how to access your money or plan for future distributions. 

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Insurance products, annuities and retirement plan funding issued by (third party administrative services may also be provided by) Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company, One Orange Way, Windsor, CT 06095-4774. Securities are distributed by Voya Financial Partners LLC (member SIPC). Custodial account agreements or trust agreements are provided by Voya Institutional Trust Company. All companies are members of the Voya ® family of companies. Securities may also be distributed through other broker-dealers with which Voya has selling agreements. Insurance obligations are the responsibility of each individual company. Products and services may not be available in all states.